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Restart Manager Test 1.0.4

  • Version
  • Download 82
  • File Size 2.09 MB
  • Create Date December 9, 2018
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About this version

This is the 2nd release of this tool. In this version, the following features were implemented.

  • Display related information
    • Display process ID
    • Display log file name
  • Adjust minimum size of window resize

You can check the operation related to the restart manager.

Restart Manager Test 1.0.4 - main window


Main window - upper left area

Buttons in this area can be tested by invoking Restart Manager related APIs individually.


Call RegisterApplicationRestart() which was introduced in Windows Vista and register the application restart (tool itself).

RegisterApplicationRestart(L"/restart", RESTART_NO_CRASH | RESTART_NO_HANG);

Call with the above arguments. It will not do anything when running on Windows XP.


Call UnegisterApplicationRestart() which was introduced in Windows Vista and unregister the application restart (tool itself).


Since this API has no arguments, it simply calls it. It will not do anything when running on Windows XP.


Call ShutdownBlockReasonCreate() which was introduced in Windows Vista and register the reason for blocking shutdown.

RegisterApplicationRestart(hDialogWnd, pszReasonW);

Call with the above arguments. hDialogWnd is set to the window handle of the main window of this tool. pszReasonW is set the text string in the edit box under the button. It will not do anything when running on Windows XP.


Call ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy() which was introduced in Windows Vista and unregister the reason for blocking shutdown.


Call with the above arguments. hDialogWnd is set the window handle of the main window of this tool. It will not do anything when running on Windows XP.

Main window - upper right area

The check box in this area allows you to set the action to be taken when the main window (dialog) of this tool receives the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message. When multiple check boxes are checked, they are processed in order from the top in the message handler of the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message.

Call RegisterApplicationRestart()

Call RegisterApplicationRestart () which was introduced in Windows Vista and register the application restart (tool itself).

RegisterApplicationRestart(L"/restart ", RESTART_NO_CRASH | RESTART_NO_HANG);

Call with the above arguments. It will not do anything when running on Windows XP.

Call UnregisterApplicationRestart()

Call UnegisterApplicationRestart() which was introduced in Windows Vista and unregister the application restart (tool itself).


Since this API has no arguments, it simply calls it. It will not do anything when running on Windows XP.

Call ShutdownBlockReasonCreate()

Call ShutdownBlockReasonCreate() which was introduced in Windows Vista and register the reason for blocking shutdown.

RegisterApplicationRestart(hDialogWnd, pszReasonW);

Call with the above arguments. hDialogWnd is set to the window handle of the main window of this tool. pszReasonW is set the text string in the edit box on left area. It will not do anything when running on Windows XP.

Wait 20 sec.

Wait 20 seconds in the message handler. In Windows Vista or later, the application must respond to the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message within 5 seconds, so you can test it. Specifically, when you check, call Sleep().


Call with the above arguments.

Return false

Determine the return value of the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message handler. If it is not checked, true is set as return value. If checked, false is set as return value. "true" indicates that the application can be terminated. "false" indicates that the application refused to shut down.

Main window - lower area


In the right edit box, the error code of the last API executed is set. The lower multi-row edit box shows the results of calling each API and the timing of receiving the window message about the restart manager.

Ceate message log file

If checked, it will output to the file the result of calling each API and the timing of receiving the window message about the restart manager. Basically the same as the history displayed in the screen is output to the file. The output file is created in the same folder as the EXE file. The file name is the name obtained by adding the extension ". Log" to the EXE file name.

Log Filename

The name displayed here is the name of the log file to be created in the same folder as the Exe file.

Process ID

The process ID of this tool. The process ID of the tool is displayed so that you can easily check the process ID when testing with RmLogoTest.exe.

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