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Installer Adjustment App 0.7.1

  • Version
  • Download 0
  • File Size 740 KB
  • Create Date February 15, 2020
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About this version

This is the seventh release of this application. In this version we made the following changes.

  • Add the function to remove unused files and folders



Improved UI and added simple adjustment function. The following is the main window.

App main window (Version 0.7.1)

The main window has not changed much from the previous version (0.6.0). This app can be launched with normal user privileges, but it must be launched with administrator privileges to properly display all installer information. If you have not started with administrator privileges, you will be asked if you want to restart with administrator privileges immediately after startup.

Display and analysis functions

  • There is no change

Adjustment functions

Adjustments make changes to the system. Please use it after understanding the changes. The changes from the previous version are as follows.

  • Add the function to remove unused files and folders
Add the function to remove unused files and folders

"Remove unused files and folders" button on the simple adjustment area

Enabled "Remove unused files and folders" in "Simple adjustment". After the analysis, if there is unused files and folders in C:WindowsInstaller folder, the "Remove unused files and folders" button will be enabled. Click this button to see a list of unused files and folders that will be removed.

Items selection

If there is an unused item that you want to exclude from removing, you can exclude so by unchecking the check box.

Remove unused files and folders confirmation window (version 0.7.1)

Backup setting

This confirmation window contains settings for backing up files. If you leave the backup, in case the necessary files were removed accidentally, you can return to the original. We strongly recommend that you keep the backup for for accident.

The following two folders are created in the backup folder.

    • Installer folder
    • InstallerAdjustmentApp folder

In the former folder, files and folders deleted from the C:WindowsInstaller folder are backed up with the same folder structure. If you want to restore using a backup, you can restore this folder simply by copying it to the C:Windows folder.

In the latter folder, information about the deleted file (file path, file size, modification date, etc.) is saved as an XML file. Later, you can see what files were deleted.

On the confirmation window, click the “Remove unused files and folders” button to actually start the removing process. However, "Remove unused files and folders" function cannot be performed unless the application is started with administrator privileges. It is needed administrator rights to make changes in the C:WindowsInstaller folder need . If you have not started the application with administrator rights, please restart the application with administrator rights.

Result window

The result window is displayed when the removing is completed. Successful and failed items are displayed separately.

Remove unused files and folders result window (version 0.7.1)

The result window does not show the folder information of the file backup. This is an omission in display processing. Actually, if you set to backup in the confirmation window before executing removing, the backup is saved in the folder specified there. In the next release, we will fix it to show the correct value.


  • There is no change


We have only implemented part of the confirmation and analysis function. However, the extension function is not so much verified, there is a possibility that there is a bug. We will be saved if you find a bug and report it.

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